Ideal Gases

Many chemical reactions are accompanied by the formation of a gas or occur entirely in the gaseous state. Measuring gas parameters, such as volume and temperature, gives information about the stoichiometry of the reaction and the energy changes that accompany the reaction. The gas parameters are: density, pressure, volume, and temperature. These parameters do not change independently, but are linked together and described quantitatively by the gas laws. The idea that gases consist of a large number of tiny particles moving randomly in all possible directions provides the modern explanation for the gas laws and is the foundation of the Kinetic Molecular Theory.

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SimuLab 3 : Qualitative Investigation of Boyle's Law

SimuLab 4: Quantitative Investigation of Boyle's Law

SimuLab 5: Galileo's Thermometer Movie

SimuLab 6: Charles' Law Movie

SimuLab 7: Gay-Lussac Law

SimuLab 8: Avogadro's Principle

SimuLab 9: Avogadro's Principle Movie

SimuLab 10: Ideal Gas Law

SimuLab 11: Dalton's Law


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For more information, email: Paul Trunfio